
Archive for: September, 2016

Home / September 2016
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Alex Lora and Antonio Tibaldi’s U.S.-Italian documentary premiered in competition at the Dutch festival.

Cleanliness neighbors godliness in Alex Lora and Antonio Tibaldi’s Thy Father’s Chair, a standout among the many world premieres this year at Amsterdam’s gigantic nonfiction showcase IDFA. A claustrophobic, cautionary peek into the cluttered chaos of an ordinary-looking Brooklyn apartment occupied by identical-twin Orthodox Jewish brothers, it has obvious festival appeal and could justify art-house distribution in NYC and farther afield.

Australia-born and U.S.-based Tibaldi was responsible for several fictional features in the 1990s before shifting his emphasis to documentary. He’s since struck up a creative collaboration with his Catalan co-director/writer/editor Lora, some 18 years his junior: the pair’s 10-minute Godka Crka (aka A Hole in the Sky), about a young Somali girl, competed at Sundance in 2013.


Read the full article: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/thy-fathers-chair-idfa-review-846197

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